It has been a while since I have posted on my blog. So I thought I would write a quick post to help get the cogs turning in the writing machine.
Since starting my full-time job I have lost most of my motivation to write. I can understand this, I now have less time to write and often have already been writing for work. So coming home to then sit in front of the computer to write just doesn't appeal. However, while it might be understandable it is not how I would like it to be.
Anyway, I have been reading a lot since the start of 2020 and as of today 5/04 I have read 12 books. I am proud of this as I have done it through reducing the amount of YouTube and Netflix I have been watching. I do have to give some credit though to the fact we are currently isolated and which is giving me more time at home to read. However, with all this time I have felt a serious desire to create something and I feel writing more about what i'm reading would help me to remember it and also help to develop my writing ability. Knowledge is only useful if you use it and I am currently not using a lot of it.
It is a weird time in the world as we all sit in isolation due to Covid-19. The world really seems to just be on pause for those of us fortunate enough not to be directly effected by the virus. It has made me realise how little I am required for society to function. Doctors have an impact and even the truck drives that continue to deliver the food have an impact. They provide the world with life saving treatment and food to the masses. I make social media assets. While this is a direction I was heading before Covid-19 started, I am looking to use this time to continue my development in a way that will lead to a more useful career that hopefully will have a real impact in the world.
And the area I feel is worth heading in? Urban planning and community building. For a long time I have been interested in architecture and urban planning. I remember playing sim city 3000 as a kid and being absolutely fascinated by how everything works together much like a living organism. I think it's also my tendencies towards being a big picture thinker. I like working across different fields and combining them to ideally create something new and different. I don't like to specialise and just get bored very quickly and therefore move from one topic to another. Therefore, as an urban planner I hope I can connect the many dots that are part of the urban environment into built and natural environments that build strong and healthy communities for humans and animals.
So I'm reading a lot around these areas and my aim now is to start writing about the topics I encounter.
See you in my next post.
*The images is from a hike in Tasmania I did at Christmas 2019.