You might have heard that you are the equal of your five closest friends. Well, get ready buddy because it goes way further than that. You are also heavily influenced by a broad number of elements in your environment not just your friends. Though each element is different and will influence you to a different degree. Due to this influence, one key task worth completing is a review of these influences. This will help you to identify certain ones that may try to hold you back as you look to improve and may mean including better into your life which will also improve your chances of your life being a success.
Whether you are reading books, listening to podcasts or watching videos, you are constantly being influenced. But what can you do with this understanding? Because your five closest friends place a great deal of pressure on you, it’s worth attempting to make authors, podcasters or self-help gurus some of your main influences or ‘friends’.
Napoleon who was bullied when at military school utilised this strategy by reading many books on the great generals of old. Reading about Alexander the Great and other great leaders from an early age Napoleon shaped himself into a model of them all. He also read books from other disciplines which helped expand his mind further past the battlefield and into politics and beyond. These influences helped Napoleon see beyond just being an expert general but being an emperor.
Though because it is worth having real friends, I consider the influence I get from books and podcast to be one singular friend. Basically, have learning as a friend and a key influence.
So, whether you want to be a great writer, painter, politician or athlete, if you fill you head with the words and wisdoms of the great that are around now or from the past you will soon find yourself heading in that direction. A great quote that reflects this idea is:
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”
― Lao Tzu
So, if you control what is being fed into your head, you will soon be controlling your thoughts and sending your life into a direction of you choosing. So, choose your influences wisely, you might just follow in their footsteps.